Saturday we had a fun day with my parents at the Rennaissance Festival. If you have never been to a Rennassiance Festival it is a fair where you can go to experience what "life" was like in medieval times. There are people dressed in costumes of the period, jousts, games, and food that is supposedly similar to what they ate. At this particular Festival they have permanent buildings that have shops in them which give you the feel of walking through a medieval village. It is a lot of fun.
The first thing that we tried was the Jacob's Ladder. It is a challenge for those who choose to spend their money for a chance to win. The object is to climb to the top of a rope ladder that is suspended from one rope at the top and one at the bottom. The trick is to balance on top of the ladder while climbing it. You get three chances. Easier said than done. To prove it was possible the guy collecting money demonstrated the technique and scaled it at least 3 times never once falling while we stood there watching person after person tumble into the hay!
The first thing that we tried was the Jacob's Ladder. It is a challenge for those who choose to spend their money for a chance to win. The object is to climb to the top of a rope ladder that is suspended from one rope at the top and one at the bottom. The trick is to balance on top of the ladder while climbing it. You get three chances. Easier said than done. To prove it was possible the guy collecting money demonstrated the technique and scaled it at least 3 times never once falling while we stood there watching person after person tumble into the hay!

We thought this costume was very unique! I tried to get Little Robby in the picture with the tree guy too, but he refused.

I must say though, that it wasn't quite as enchanting as it was when I was a kid. The elephant walked in one circle and that was it. Oh well.
Grandma sneaks a hug from Little Robby.
Here is the real princess getting a ride in her royal chariot while catching a beauty nap.