Thursday, February 22, 2007
Jenna is eager to take her bath!

Friday, February 2, 2007
Long Time No Blog
If you haven't seen it, check it out! (And please, please, please email me if you have any questions, comments, or problems with the site! I am pretty sure most all of the bugs are fixed, but I need to make sure everything is working exactly right!)
On to my blog update... I am just going to post a listing of recent photos and tell you in brief about them.

Here are James and Jenna peeking out the back of Andra's van. I thought they were being especially cute!
Our Visit to Temple Square
Poor Tommy, all he had was his suit jacket in the car and a pair of red gloves. He decided to share this WSFD moment with us because he was more concerned about warmth. I can't blame him!
Uncle Tommy convinced Little Robby to look the part of a scarecrow because of his awesome hair in this picture.

And here we all are. We really enjoyed ourselves even though it was COLD!
A Visit with Grandma
The next day we stopped by to visit with Grandma before we left. It was so good to see her!
We tried to get Jenna to look at the camera, but to no avail.
Andra had the pleasure of introducing Grandma to her newest great-granddaughter, Audrey.
One last family picture with Grandma.
Jenna and Dad's Shopka

The Latest on Little Robby
He got his orange belt! (He tried to avoid having his picture taken, but I succeeded!)
And, he started taking violin lessons from Mom! (And I must say he is doing quite well!)
The Latest on Jenna
Jenna continues to be a sweetie! Here she poses with Robby for a Christmas picture. (I had to work really hard to get her to stay put and smile.)
We can put her hair in a pony tail!
The Impossible Happened!
This time the snow is REAL! Okay so it looks like slush now... you can't expect it to last long in the desert of Arizona. But we have evidence!
In fact, about three miles from our house there was enough snow for a family to make a 4ft. snowman! Apparently, the police guided traffic in that area because people were pulling off and parking along the street to get out and play in it. Unfortunately, we missed it! The only thing we saw was the melting remains of snow on our car.
Well, I hope you enjoyed our update.