This past week we fulfilled one of Robby's long time desires to hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back. It was even better because we were able to make this trip with Robby's 3 brothers and 2 of his 4 sisters. Little Robby and I both joined the expedition and Jenna stayed behind (on account of being too young for this trip) at Aunt Andra's house with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle David and her three cousins.
This trip was a year in planning, and ended up being a great success. We all had a very memorable journey. I will share some of the highlights through these pictures (courtesy of my sister-in-law Andra who brought a camera to record our adventure).

Here are the boys, trekking poles in hand, standing at the top of the South Rim ready for the adventure to begin. (L to R - Robby, Logan, Forrest, Tommy, and in front Little Robby)

Okay, this isn't the best picture since the sun was very bright, but here are the girls excited to start the adventure. (L to R - Summer, Andra, and Sharon)

Here is our little adventurer near the beginning of the hike. Before we left, we were a little worried about how well he would be able to keep up with the adults on the hike, but instead he was just about always right behind the leader wishing he could blaze the trail.

Along the way we were careful to stay hydrated.

As we neared the last couple miles of the seven mile hike to the bottom, we were glad to see this view of the river and part of the campground because it meant we were close.

This was a view of the river taken from the black suspension bridge near Bright Angel Campground. Beautiful!

Here Robby demonstrates how we all felt after that first day of hiking - Dead!

Andra and I looked like twinkies during much of the trip because we shopped together at REI before the trip. When we bought the shirts Andra's husband convinced us both to buy the same color shirt (to be honest there was a limited selection of colors and none of the other choices were very flattering on either of us.)
Also, this picture was taken in front of the canteen at Phantom Ranch. I think what saved me was the fact that Andra was able to reserve dorm room beds for the three girls during both nights of our stay at the bottom of the canyon. I was so sore the next morning I could hardly walk, and I think it would have been worse if I had slept in a sleeping bag on the cold hard ground.

Here are the boys' accommodations at the Bright Angel Campground.

On our day of rest at the bottom of the canyon, Andra and I walked over to the Boat Beach together. While there she captured my special moment touching the water of the Colorado River. This is my proof that I really was at the bottom of the Grand Canyon!

Also during that day, Andra and I had to doctor some massive blisters that Robby developed on his heels during the hike down. Everyone had to stand around and watch because they had never seen blisters so large! (I will spare you from seeing the actual blisters themselves.)

This is Robby's sister Summer loading up for the two day hike back to the top. What a cutie!

I love this shot! This is seven of us on the trail hiking back to the top (Robby was taking the picture.)

Robby and I enjoy a breather break together along the trail.

After a 2 day and total of 9.8 mile hike we made it to the top! Here are the six brothers and sisters who went (L to R, in order of youngest to oldest - Logan, Summer, Forrest, Tommy, Andra, and Robby -- Robby has two more sisters who couldn't make it.) It felt like we had just finished a marathon (not that I've ever run a marathon, but it's like completing something incredibly momentous.) I realize people have accomplished much greater things, but for me this was big! We did get a big group picture, but it was on one of the brother's camera, so I will have to post it later.