This is Olivia... I wanted to fill you in on my life thus far. Things have been quite nice over the last month. I have had plenty to eat and I get to sleep where ever and when ever I feel like sleeping. I am growing just like the doctor wants me to grow. In fact, Daddy says that I increased in weight by one third in the last month since I have gained over 2 lbs! Can you believe that?!
I must admit though, that this body does take some getting used to. Take using eyes for instance, my eyes seem to have minds of their own, and it takes all my concentration to get them to work together. It's getting easier, but occasionally one will still move where I don't want it to go and everything gets all blurry. Something I didn't expect about having a body was being jolted awake by cold wet things being wiped in very sensitive spots! Is it really necessary?! I don't like it at all. Sometimes I retaliate by emptying my bladder and making a mess. Mommy is getting fast enough that I don't usually catch her, but I still get Daddy often.
I am learning to like other things. Mommy and Daddy give me something called a tub bath. At first I really didn't like it at all. Getting wet made me cold, and I really hate having that wet cloth wiped across my face. Cold and wet are not my friends. Mommy has been perfecting her baby bathing techniques, and now tub baths aren't quite so bad. They are still not my favorite, though.
One thing is for sure, everyone here really likes holding me, especially my brother and sister. My big brother is very gentle and kind, and he likes to stroke my head (I really like that!). My sister likes to hold me, too, but I am glad that Mommy helps out because sister can be a little energetic at times. I wish I could move around like them. They can run and jump and dance. I can only erratically wave my arms and kick my legs. I haven't figured out how to coordinate my limbs yet. I've got a lot of growing to do, haven't I?!
Before I go I want to show you a few pictures. Mommy says that we are going to take pictures with my teddy bear every month. I am not sure that she got what she wanted, but I tried really hard. (Of course, the pictures would have been a lot cuter if Mom hadn't put a wrinkly sheet up behind me!)
She said that I would look really cute propped up on my teddy bear like this.
Do you know how hard it is to lift your head up when you are my size?!
Not only that, but Mom wanted me to lift my head, focus my eyes, and be cute all at the same time! That takes a lot of work!

Since I was struggling to do all three things at once, Mommy tried a different pose. I didn't think it was very flattering, and I told her so.

Is this cute?!

Hey! You can't say I didn't try!
Well, my eyelids are getting heavy, so I think that I will go have a snooze now. Hope to talk to you again soon.