Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Budding Artist

Jenna has just started to draw things and tell us what they are. It's fun when kids get to this age and you can see their little minds at work.

Here we have Jenna's flowers. Jenna drew this while I was gone in North Carolina visiting my Aunt Carla Jean. Robby said that he liked the fact that she added stems to all of the flowers.

And this is Jenna's snake. Also drawn while I was gone.

Just Like Brother

With school in full swing, Jenna's desire to be just like brother and go to school has not diminished. Each morning he gets ready for school, loads up his backpack, and puts on his helmet to ride over to another boy's house for carpool rides. And many mornings Jenna has to do the same...

So here you go... Robby's ready for school,

And so is Jenna!

Sunday, September 9, 2007


So here's our funny moment of the week... When we have family scriptures, Jenna is usually bouncing off the walls. We do our best to keep her corralled, but we usually read right before bedtime and she is quite often loopy. I have decided that children her age have the uncanny ability to pay attention even when they don't appear to the paying attention. So we were reading about Alma and Amuleck in the Book of Mormon, and when Robby mentioned Amuleck for the first time a light bulb went off in Jenna's head. She started saying, "Amulick! Amulick!"

"Yes, Amuleck!" we replied and kept on reading.

Jenna ran to the toy cabinet in search of something, and returned a moment later exclaiming again "Amulick! Amulick!" and carrying... Mr. Potatohead's tongue! (Get it, "Amu-lick!")

Of course we all cracked up! Now, I will never be able to read that part again with out smiling a little.

This is our tribute picture to "Amu-lick!"