Robby has zeroed in on his dream... a lego star ship cruiser! Everybody "Ooooo" and "Aaaahh!"
Aren't the Dads and babies cute?!
Daddy takes Jenna on a train ride!
Jenna says, "This place is fun!"
Little Robby really liked the lego race track that he got drive on. I included this picture because you can see the kid who rear-ended him in the yellow shirt.
Dad and Little Robby taking it all in.
Here we are standing in front of a lego model of New York City.
Here's Jenna sleeping in front of the lego model of New York City. (I didn't want you to think that we were excluding her from our family picture. We just didn't want to disturb her.)
Big Robby took this picture of Andra and me enjoying our fried apples. He really likes it.
Of all the lego creations, the Daytona Raceway model was one of Big Robby's favorites. He really liked looking at all the lego spectators. From a distance it almost looked real.
Our little angel slept the afternoon away.
Robby and James take a ride on the lego pigs.
When we asked Chap what his favorite legoland creation was he said the model of the Freedom Tower that is being built to replace the World Trade Towers.
All in all, we had a great time! This trip fulfilled one of Little Robby's dreams and solidified his dream of becoming a master lego builder one day!