While we were setting up camp for Robby and Little Robby (my parents, Jenna and I opted for the lodge room), Jenna and Little Robby romped around the campsite. Here they are "King and Queen of the Stump!"
Gazing at the canyon. We had two beautiful days to enjoy looking at this beautiful wonder.
Jenna enjoys being with Grandma.
Oooo Grandpa, your skin is so smooth when you shave!
Our little camper!
My mom and I are sitting together on the shuttle bus that takes you to the lookout points along Hermit Road.

Our little cutie is ready for the Sunday church service at the Grand Canyon. It was fun going to church with the branch at the Grand Canyon. The chapel of the building they attend in has a wall of floor to vaulted ceiling windows that looks out into a the woods surrounding the canyon. There were only about 15-20 people there, and they told us that if we got bored they wouldn't be offended if we gazed out the window at the beautiful scenery.
Here we all are with my parents standing at Mather point just before we left for home. We really had a great trip!