We were once again lucky enough to recieve some free tickets to go to the zoo from one of the professors at the University. She was so kind as to remember that we had been interested in her offer of free tickets last year, that she gave us her free tickets this year. The only down side to the day we chose to go was that we were having record heat for the month of March. It got up to 99 that day. Fortunately we made special effort to go to the zoo early in the morning to avoid the heat.

Here we are at the giraffe enclosure. When I first wheeled Jenna up to the fence I tried to point out the giraffes in the distance, but she didn't see what I was pointing at. Then a few minutes later the giraffes started walking towards us. You should have heard her squeal, "Oooooo!" Then she excitedly began to tell me all about what she saw.
Since we had more tickets then we needed for the three of us we decided to bring along Robby's friend, his sister, and his Mom.
Fortunately, the zoo in Arizona has a splash pad to keep the kids cool when the day gets really hot! Jenna wasn't so sure she wanted to push through the crowd of kids to stand in the water sprays.
We were surprised that the kids lost interest in the splash pad so fast until we saw what they were up to...
Building a sand castle!
All in all, it was a fun spring break day!