Welcome, this is Robby, guest blogger. Little Roo and I just returned from the annual father-and-son campout and have a few pictures to share. This year we traveled up to the Arizona "Rim", a mountainous region about an hour north of where we live.

Here we are, Friday afternoon, ready to leave on our adventure. With our early departure, we actually managed to set up our tent this year before dark!

Here we are Saturday morning, post-breakfast. Robby and friend Cole have constructed a fishing pole to use in catching crawdads. Leftover sausage from breakfast serves as bait.

Here they go, down to the favored spot on the creek.

Initial attempts are yielding many bites...

... but eventually they do spot a few and bag them, relying on plastic cups rather than the original fishing pole.

While they had at first perched on rocks...

...both end up falling into the water and decide that they might as well take advantage of the increased access to crawdads that wading through the river affords. They are eventually wet from neck to toes.

On the way home, we took a short detour and climbed to the top of Mount Ord (7128 ft) in the Mazatzal range. The view at the top was nice, although your view of us is little less so, given how scruffy we were looking at this point. Good times!