Okay, so he's not looking at the camera, but I wanted to post this one because I think it is really cool that he has his hand on a piece of moon rock. Where else can you actually touch the moon?!
This picture and the next one are of all of us riding on the tram to go and see the Astronaut Training Facility and the Saturn V Rocket.
Jenna really like riding the tram and kept saying, "Weeeee!"
Little Robby, Grandma, and Grandpa are standing in front of the window overlooking the Astronaut Training Facility. Behind them you can see some of the life-sized models they use to practice their missions here on earth.
We are standing in front of the Saturn V Rocket. This was the biggest rocket that NASA has used up to this date. It was used to launch the Apollo and Skylab missions. How would you like to be strapped onto the top of that thing?!