Guest blogger Robby here. In preparation for our Grand Canyon hike, we took family practice hike #2 yesterday, with special guest stars Aunt Andra and Audrey. This time we actually managed to bring our camera.
Here are a few of the highlights, from the cave (more like a large alcove) at the top:

Jenna enjoys some rock climbing. (It's not as steep as it looks--the camera was tilted.)

Our good-looking boy, still looking a little flushed from the hike up.

As you can see Little Robby wasn't the only red-faced one in the group.

Jenna's looking fresh because she got to ride up the whole way. We had three loads of about 25 lbs.--Jenna, Audrey, and a backpack full of 72-hour-kit goodies--that the three adults passed back and forth up and down the mountain. (Jenna did walk part of the way down.) Little Robby carried about 12 lbs. of water in an ill-fitting school backpack, although his load lightened quickly as we consumed its contents.
Overall, we gained 800 feet over the 1.6 miles to the top, close to the grade of the Grand Canyon trails we'll take. We were pretty wiped out by the time we returned to our starting point.
Here are some bonus Jenna pix, as she models several of her favorite moods: