Sunday, March 2, 2008
The Olivia Update
Since I didn't get to post anything about Olivia last week I thought I would give a brief update and a picture for you to enjoy. She is a little angel! On Friday, I weighed her and she weighed 9lbs 11oz! She has almost gained 4lbs since birth! Wow! It's a good thing we don't keep up that growth rate through our whole lives or else we would all be massive! Although this is a sleeping picture, Olivia has been more and more alert during the day, and she even seems to complain now when she wants to be held. It's amazing how little babies learn to communicate their desires when they are so young. Olivia had been very congested in the last week and a half or so, but fortunately she seems to be over it now. Li'l Robby was sick from Sunday to Wednesday of this last week and he was forbidden to be anywhere near Olivia because I certainly don't want her sick with an upper resperitory illness. So far no one else has come down with it (not even Jenna who could not stay away from brother despite being warned over and over that she would get sick if she got too close!) Back to Olivia, she is doing pretty well with sleeping... at night we have reached the point that she will go about 5 hours between feedings during one period of the night. If I time things right, then she only wakes me once at night. It's so nice. (But, of course I have to admit that I am still looking forward to the day when she really sleeps through the night!) Well, enough talk, here's our little angel baby...