Sunday, June 29, 2008
Meeting the Master Lego Model Builder (and IKEA)
You can see the small model of the R2-D2 that he is copying in picture to his right (to our left as you look at the picture).
This guy was totally cool and talked to the people as he built and even posed for a picture for us. You would think that being a Model Builder would be a kid's dream, and for many it is, but this guy did mention that most people don't stick with it because Lego doesn't pay that well. That's too bad because I know one little boy who would see it as his dream job. I guess it's one of those jobs where you do it because you love it!
Swim Lesson Time
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Blue-eyed Baby!
Rain, rain come today!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Jenna started her first dance classes!
Jenna is practicing for that big day
Of course, don't let those boys get any ideas about her yet, she has to be 26 before she can get married.
Okay, I will make an exception on the age, but only if the guy is extremely special, and I like him a lot!
Indiana here we come!
One of the things that we, or rather Li'l Robby, is most excited about is the pond that is kitty corner to our rental house. It is quite picturesque if you ask me. This is view from our backyard. Li'l Robby has developed a love of fishing, and I think that we are going to find him at the pond quite a bit. One of our new neighbors caught two 21" large mouth bass in this pond not long ago.
And here is Olivia with Daddy at the airport. She was a great little traveler.
" Mmmm... Yummy finger, Daddy!"
Olivia was happy on the flight as long as we made sure the bottle was always handy.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
An Olivia Update!
"Look at us, we are sitting together!"
"Of course, the only way we can both sit is to be propped up against the couch."