Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Rain, rain come today!
Well, we couldn't get the rain to come to the Valley of the Sun, so we decided to make our own with the sprinkler! Once it was turned on and going, Jenna decided she wanted the umbrella. We thought it was so that she could stand underneath it in the sprinkler and not get wet, but at first she refused to go in the water! Now, when it is 110 outside, you'd think that she would gladly get in the water without the umbrella, but no. Dad had to show her how she could use the umbrella and stand under the water.

Chap chose to play in the water without the protection of an umbrella. (By the way, this message is for David... take note of how green our grass is. Aren't you proud of us?! It has NEVER looked this good, especially not in June - at least not since we have been here! Of course, I won't tell you what our water bill looked like last month.)
Singing in the rain!
Now I just need to teach her to twirl it.