Sunday, May 25, 2008
Last week Little Robby and I had the chance to enjoy a nice father-son outing with the rest of the folks from church. We were out in the Superstition Mountains, which legend has it, is home to a lost gold mine. We didn't find any gold, but did pick up our fair share of dust. It's a picturesque area, with saguaro galore.

The little ones didn't get much sleep--I think Robby came into the tent around 11:15 that night and was up again soon after 6 am--but seemed to enjoy themselves. Most of Saturday morning was spent in two teams contesting control of the following two bases, one in a dry riverbed and the other in a tangle of trees.

Here Robby parries a playful blow from an opponent.
Watch out--he's fierce!
Robby's good friend Casjen remained neutral in the conflict, a point he enjoyed making pointedly to both participants and observers.
Father and son in the vicinity of base #2.

On the way home, we stopped by one of the several area hiking trails and walked around for a few minutes. When the palo verde trees are in bloom this area is a sea of green and gold--quite beautiful.

Before and after shots. Hey, at least one of us changed shirts.

We're looking forward to our next father-son somewhere in the wilds of Indiana.