Sunday, November 19, 2006
Dress Up Time!

Cub Day Camp

Our Nursery Girl!
Saturday, November 4, 2006
A Night at the Farm

And here's our little Flying Farmer.
And here we have our little smiler.
The farm had a very old carousel from the early 1900s there. Here we have a Chap face.
And here we have Jenna imitating a Chap face... Jenna thought it was funny because several times during the carousel ride the mechanics of the ride would get caught and the whole thing would jerk up and down. When it stopped she would grab on tight, grit her teeth, and bounce up and down trying to make it do it again.
I think Jenna's favorite part was wandering through the pumpkin patch (and testing the smaller pumpkins by throwing them. I guess if they bounce they are good.)
And last of all we have Chap in the corn maze. The whole time we were there Lil' Robby could not wait to go through the corn maze. We didn't get started till after dark, and it was just Lil' Robby and me. I let him lead the way. Fortunately we weren't in there very long (I don't think we made it very far into the maze, we just happen to find an alternate route from the entrance). While we were in there I thought for sure some kid was going to come jumping out of the corn to scare us because I could hear other people walking through the corn and not on the paths.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Our Practice Photo Shoot
I was so relieved to have the clothes chosen, and I figured everything would go wonderfully. That is until... Well, as we were doing the laundry and drying a few items for the photo shoot Robby checked the dryer mid cycle and chose to clean the lint tray. When he removed the lint tray a piece of paper fell in to the lint trap hole. At first we weren't going to worry about it, but then when he turned the dryer back on it made a really bad noise. We were a little concerned at this point because some of the wet items were clothing we had to have for our photos and the time was ticking away till we had to leave. Robby tried to pull the dryer out and take off the back to see what was making the noise, but only found the piece of paper and a small bead. We hoped that was the source of the noise and decided to close the dryer back up and try again.
This time the dryer made an awful noise that was much louder than before! Frustration arose, and we decided to try in desperation to find a neighbor who would let us borrow their dryer for 15 minutes. After four phone calls I was relieved to find someone home, so I rushed over to their house with our essential clothing.
Well with all of the delays we were about 15-20 minutes behind schedule when we drove off, and unfortunately when we talked to Christie on the phone she felt that if we came the sun would be too low in the horizon by the time we got there to get good photos.
So... since we were dressed up with no where to go, we decided to go and do our own photo shoot up at the university. These pictures are from our "practice photo shoot."

In the end we were glad things worked out this way because we learned a few strategies for the real shoot (like bring candy to keep Jenna happy!)
Our Little Climber
Sunday, October 8, 2006
Our September Grand Canyon Trip
While we were setting up camp for Robby and Little Robby (my parents, Jenna and I opted for the lodge room), Jenna and Little Robby romped around the campsite. Here they are "King and Queen of the Stump!"
Gazing at the canyon. We had two beautiful days to enjoy looking at this beautiful wonder.
Jenna enjoys being with Grandma.
Oooo Grandpa, your skin is so smooth when you shave!
Our little camper!
My mom and I are sitting together on the shuttle bus that takes you to the lookout points along Hermit Road.

Our little cutie is ready for the Sunday church service at the Grand Canyon. It was fun going to church with the branch at the Grand Canyon. The chapel of the building they attend in has a wall of floor to vaulted ceiling windows that looks out into a the woods surrounding the canyon. There were only about 15-20 people there, and they told us that if we got bored they wouldn't be offended if we gazed out the window at the beautiful scenery.
Here we all are with my parents standing at Mather point just before we left for home. We really had a great trip!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Early Warning System
Thursday, September 7, 2006
Our Utah Trip