And our last trip in August... to Utah for Uncle Forrest's Graduation and Little Eli's baby blessing.

We begin with my boys' hike up Y Mountain with Aunt Summer (she's taking the picture.) Little Robby did end up with a mishap on the downward hike. Apparently, Dad said that the first one down the mountain would get ice cream, so Little Robby took of just about running down the mountain. A little ways down he tripped and fell, scrapping his knees pretty badly. But I will say that he sure had fun showing his scabbed knees off at school the next week.

Here we all are following Forrest's graduation! (In case you don't know everyone, left to right, Summer, Connie (Robby's Mom), Abbie holding Eli, Forrest, Tommy, Little Robby, Robby with Jenna on his shoulders, and me.)

Jenna's pretty particular about who she will allow to hold her. Grandma passes specs.

On Saturday we drove up to Great-grandma's farm in Northern Utah. Jenna had a great time roaming the farm.

Photo-op on the bales of hay!

Here we all are with Great-grandma! We really love to come and visit her.

On Sunday we attended Baby Eli's blessing. What a sweet face!

Here we all are after the blessing. (Left to Right, Kaci, Tom, Tommy, Bob (Robby's Dad), Connie, Summer, Forrest, Abbie, Eli, Little Robby, Jenna, Robby, and me)

After church we went to visit our other Great-grandma in her new apartment. Here Jenna is giving Great-grandma a kiss.

Little Robby really loves visiting Great-grandma!

And lastly, Great-grandma sits proudly holding her newest great-grand baby, Eli.