Our trip began with an overnight flight to Atlanta, Georgia. The plane took off at 11pm Arizona time, and landed at 5:30am Georgia time (2:30am Arizona time). I thought Jenna would sleep on the plane, or at least I hoped she would sleep on the plane! Let's just say she got about one hour of sleep tossing and turning in my lap, and I got about 15 five-minute naps. Chap slept for about an hour too. We then had a 3 1/2 hour lay-over in Georgia, during which time Jenna was wide awake! She loved toddling through the terminal, and "talking" to everyone who would listen. Our next flight took off at 9am and landed in New York at 11:30am. Did she sleep you wonder? What do you think? No way! This whole adventure was just too exciting to miss! Fortunately, Little Robby was able to sleep most of the second flight. I must say though, that because I was so tired I was a little jealous watching Robby sleeping peacefully next to me. The one thing that saved me on the second flight was that three of the people seated near me loved Jenna and played with her just about the whole flight. Once in New York I had to get a 20 minute taxi ride to my sister's place. It wasn't until about 5 to 10 minutes in the ride that Jenna finally crashed. Once we arrived I managed to get her to lay down and sleep for several hours with me. We both felt a lot better after that. On the whole she was a very good traveler. We really only had about two moments where she cried, and both were very short. Thankfully.
Enough of my story, lets get on to some of the photos.

Two days after we got there my sister took us on a train into the city. We then stayed a night at the hotel in Manhattan where her husband, Josh, works. Here we have Jenna posing in the cubby in the TV stand.
One of Josh's friends brought some balloons for the kids while we were at the hotel. Jenna was really amazed by the floating orange ball.
Right next to the hotel is a really cute old-fashioned soda shop that we stopped in for ice cream. Yum!
That night we went over to Times Square to take the kids to Toys 'R Us. Here we are standing just outside the store.
One of the highlights of the trip for Little Robby was getting to go to the top of the Empire State Building! Here we are standing on the 86th floor. We also went to the 102nd floor. I hope he will always have fond memories of doing this with me. I know I sure will!
Later on that same day we walked through Central Park. Along the way both of the boys picked flowers for Donnette and me. Here Robby is working on his bouquet.
Here I am with his bouquet. What a sweet little gentleman I have!
During our trip Jenna was very clingy to me, but she also discovered that she really likes to hug on brother too. Sometimes she would get a little over zealous, and refuse to release him from her grasp. What a little sweetie!
Over the weekend my parents flew up to visit too. They just couldn't resist the opportunity to see all of their grandbabies in one place. That Saturday we traveled back into the city and saw the Statue of Liberty. Here Little Robby took our picture at the base of the statue.
One of the things that happened several times on the trip that I really enjoyed was watching and listening to Jenna "talk" to the people on the subway. Oftentimes if someone just looked at her she would smile, wave, and say, "Hi!" But other times she would go out of her way to get someone's attention by leaning over as far as she could and babbling to them till they looked her way. It was fun seeing other people smile just because she was looking at them. I think she is going to have no problems making friends throughout her life!