Well, Jenna has discovered what fun it is to unload all the cabinets, drawers, shelves, and laundry baskets she finds around the house. Since then I have to be careful about leaving her in a room alone a for more than a minute for fear of what mess I will find when I get back. She even dumped clothes out of one of the drawers that's attached to her crib after her nap the other day (evidently Little Robby had left it slightly open in his haste to get dressed for school). I also have to make sure that all of the bedroom doors stay closed because she like to roam the house looking for good things to make a mess. I must say though, that she is certainly proud of her accomplishments when I find her. I usually get a very big grin from her as she sits in the middle of her disaster.

Here Jenna smiles at me after nearly unloading a drawer that she discovered she can open! I had walked to the kitchen to retrieve something, got a phone call that slowed me down a minute, and returned to the bedroom to find her busily removing all the contents of the drawer.
Oops! Did I make this mess?!
But I'm cute, right?!