We are pleased to announce that Jenna was sealed to our family on December 28th. We traveled to Dallas for the sealing so that we could have Robby's whole family in attendance since we were also gathering to attend the open house celebrating his sister Kaci's wedding. It was such a wonderful day! Adoption is such a wonderful miracle! We will forever be grateful to Jenna's birthparents for trusting us to become her eternal parents. She is such a blessing to our family.
We celebrated with grandparents,...
Later on that same day we returned to Robby's parent's house and had Jenna blessed. The only sad part of the day was when we realized that Little Robby was very sick. He told me that at the temple he felt fine, but as we left he told us he was dizzy. We thought he must not have had enough to eat that day, but after the blessing he started acting like he was sick so we took his temperature and found out it was almost 104! Poor guy!
Here is our happy little sweetheart in the beautiful dress that my mother-in-law made for her!
Little Jenna always has a smile to show!