We arrived about 4pm, checked-in to the lodge, and set up camp. Then we took the shuttle to Hopi Point, one of the look-outs, and watched the sunset with about a hundred or so other on-lookers. Here Grandma poses with Matthew and Robby at Hopi point.
Jenna gets a ride from Dad. (Notice one shoe on, one shoe off -- that's Jenna for you!)
Andra and Matthew (her oldest) pose for a picture!
Here's our little family posing with the setting sun.
That night Grandma, Andra, Matthew, James, Jenna, and I spent a restless night at the lodge (poor Andra spent almost the whole night comforting her children - we thought James was going to be really sick, but fortunately he wasn't.) The rest of the crew which consisted of Robby, Little Robby, Tommy, and his girlfriend Doris, spent a very cold night (25 degrees was the low - Brrrr!) camping. The next day Grandma, Tommy, Doris, Robby, Little Robby, and Matthew decided to hike about a mile down one of the trails that leads to the bottom of the Canyon. Andra (who is expecting in late Sept.) and I opted to walk along the rim pushing James and Jenna in strollers. All of us really enjoyed taking in the scenic views of the Canyon.
Here the trail hikers are ready to take off down into the Canyon. (Robby is taking the picture.)

Taking in the magnificent view!

At the end of their trail they took a little while to enjoy the view from this look-out.
Tommy and Matthew
Apparently Matthew was too tired to hike back up so he got to ride. In the end, many of them had to fight off fatigue to hike back up the trail fast enough for us to get Grandma off to her surprise.
Eventually, they all succeeded!
Overall, it was a truly fun family trip that we will all never forget!