Amazingly, Jenna just passed the one year mark! Hard to believe isn't it?! We celebrated on Saturday with Aunt Andra, Uncle David, Matthew, and James. It was good that things worked out this way too because poor little Jenna was sick on her birthday. She made it almost completely through her first year before having an illness with a fever. On the Sunday before her birthday she came home from church acting very lethargic and she felt very hot, so we took her temperature and sure enough she was sick! The illness lasted until Wednesday which was the first day that she seemed better. Then Thursday and Friday she had a splotchy rash-like appearance over her face and tummy, but luckily by Saturday she was all better. Just in time to celebrate her birthday! And boy did she have fun!
This is a picture of the birthday girl on her birthday! You can see she was still happy even though she was still sick that day.
Little Robby wanted to write about Jenna's birthday party (with some editorial comments by Dad):
Yesterday, Jenna had a birthday party. Matthew and James (cousins) came over. First, we talked and hung out. After that, we ate cake and ice cream.

Around the time that we were eating ice cream we decided to crack a coconut. First, we drained the coconut "juice." We decided to drink some of the juice. Ewwww! It was kind of bitter. After we ate our cake and ice cream we opened the coconut. The part that you eat inside the coconut kind of tasted like Brazil nuts. After we opened the coconut Jenna opened her presents. First from Mom she got a little farm set.

Secondly, she got a stuffed horse which she really liked from me. Then she got a little doll from Mom and Dad.

She also got a very big set of Mega Bloks from Grandma and Grandpa. She also got books from her grandparents. After she opened her presents we decided to play with them. I decided to play with the Mega Bloks.
(No surprise there!) I built a big house! Matthew went into my room and decided to get out my Tinker Toys. I decided to use the Tinker Toys to become a ninja master!
(All of his Tinker Toy weapons were stuffed in his waistband, creating quite the effect. Aunt Andra commented that he "looked like he was about to detonate.") After that I got a little tired, so then I wrapped up in my sheet. (Wheww, was I tired!) Matthew was trying to get me up, but I still wouldn't move from my spot. A few minutes later Matthew and James had to go home. What a day!