All kids have a moment when they want to try on Mom or Dad's shoes. For Jenna she tried mine on this week. We had just gotten home, and I was in a hurry to get her some milk since she needed a snack so I just kicked my shoes off in the kitchen. After I prepared her sippy cup I turned around to see her standing there and trying with all her might to get her little foot in my shoe. She just recently started walking everywhere, but her balance is still a little wobbly. For her to lift her foot high enough to slip it into my shoe was quite the feat. And when she would succeed with one foot she would quickly lose her balance and plop down on her diaper padded bottom.
I felt sorry for her and decided that I would help her, so I set the shoes side by side and lifted her up to slip her feet in. As soon as she realized what I was doing she started giggling. She was so proud to be standing in my shoes. (Walking in them was another matter!)

I don't like my shoes, but Mommy's shoes are a different.