I thought you might enjoy a peek at Olivia on camera. I was really trying to get film of smiley Olivia cooing at me, but as usual she stopped as soon as the camera came out. I did catch one smile in this video and one very small coo, but in real life she can be very talkative and smiley.
I also have another story to tell about her. On Friday, she and I went clothes shopping because I needed to find a new outfit for Robby's brother Tommy's upcoming wedding. When we went to Macy's one of the sales ladies approached me so that she could admire Olivia. Olivia looked up at the woman and gave her this huge grin. I was totally surprised because thus far she has only smiled for someone in the family, and I told the woman that she was the first stranger that Olivia has smiled for. The lady was so charmed that as if by magic she offered me a 15 % off coupon for the things I bought at Macy's that day. Score one for Olivia! I will have to remember this trick for the future because I always like to save money!