Conversation in the car:
Jenna - I'm a Jenna, I'm a girl.
Mom - That's right, you're a girl.
Jenna - No, I'm Robby, and I'm a boy.
Mom - You're not Robby, that's silly.
Jenna - No, I'm 39 cents!
Mom - Okay...? (I'm thinking that's random)
Said to me:
Jenna - Olivia's a big girl and I'm the baby.
The other day:
Li'l Robby - Mom, can I have a P-O-P-S-I-C-L-E?
(He was trying to be stealthy so that Jenna wouldn't know what he was asking.)
Mom - Sure.
Jenna (comes up to Mom) - Mom, can I have a P-S-I-C-L?
(She had no idea what a P-S-C-I-L was, but she figured that if Li'l Robby wanted one, it must be good.)
Jenna was hovering near me while I was putting on make-up one day:
Dad (sitting near-by) - Jenna, how old did Mommy say you have to be before you can wear make-up?
Jenna - 4 months
Li'l Robby and Mom came home the other day from karate and were showing Dad how they learned to use a stick in karate (a 4-5 ft staff that you use as a weapon.) Jenna wanted to participate, too, but we wouldn't let her use our stick (that would be dangerous!) Next thing we know she reappears in the room brandishing her princess wand swinging it wildly around like a mini stick. Don't mess with Jenna, she's our Princess Mama with a little pink belt!
At bedtime a week ago:
Dad was reading to Jenna from the Book of Mormon scriptures stories at bedtime. They were reading about Christ asking the 12 apostles what they wanted most, and about the three who asked for the same promise that was given to John the Beloved in the New Testament. To liken the scriptures to us, Dad decided to ask Jenna a related question.
Dad - If you could ask Jesus for anything, what would you ask for?
Jenna - A snack.