Monday, September 29, 2008

Chicago: Navy Pier

Our last stop of the day was the amusements at Navy Pier. Robby, Chap, and I had to check out the advertised mirror maze on the pier.

The boys were goofing off while they waited for me to catch up to go in the maze.

Upon entering we saw this caution: The cougar might get you!

We liked the mirror maze part of it, but the best part came later...

Once again, the cougar will get you if you are not careful...

Now here was the best part of the whole maze. There was a tunnel with a catwalk and handrails right through the center of it. The wall of the tunnel was like a tube and covered in black fabric with little lights sticking through to look like stars. What made it really cool was that the wall of the tunnel was rotating very quickly around the catwalk, and it gave you this optical illusion that the catwalk you were walking on was spinning. The funny thing was that no matter how hard you tried you could not walk upright through the tunnel. No joke...

We went through it several times and for the life of me, I could not walk upright no matter how hard I tried to convince my mind that the catwalk was stationary, I would still lean over and get really dizzy. It was awesome! If it weren't for the dizzy tunnel the maze would not have been worth the money we spent!

Back outside we met up with Uncle Tommy, Aunt Doris and the girls. Jenna was having a great time walking with Doris.


Jenna showed us how she was going to put her arms in the air and scream on the big ferris wheel.

We all had a great time taking a turn around the ferris wheel.

Olivia was fascinated looking out the window at the skyline.

We had a few extra rides on our card for Navy Pier, so Robby and I took a ride on the Wave Slinger.

We couldn't figure out why no one else wanted to go with us! It was a blast!

Our last ride, or so we thought, went to Jenna on the Lighthouse bouncer. She enjoyed using her rollercoaster skill by raising her hands and screaming.

We thought we were done and then Jenna turned on the charm and convinced Daddy to take her on the carousel.

The view of the city as we were leaving Navy Pier.

And one last look back at the pier.

Thanks for coming out Tommy and Doris! We had a great time with you!

Before I close, here is a Jenna moment for you.
We were driving into the city when an ambulance passed by with it's lights flashing and sirens blaring and Jenna exclaims, "It's an ice cream bus!"