Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Flashback July: Olivia is official!
In the middle of July (and in the middle of packing for our move) we took a very important and exciting trip to Utah to have Olivia's adoption finalized. So Olivia Lucille is official! The court hearing was very interesting because we actually had to take the stand and testify about what kind of parents we had been and were going to be for Olivia. Both our lawyer and our case worker had never been to a finalization hearing that was so formal. The funny thing was that when we asked the judge if we could have a picture with her at the end of the hearing she was wearing blue jeans underneath her robes!
This is David McConkie (our attorney for both Jenna's and Olivia's finalizations), our judge, and all of us.
We had to get a picture with Connie Mason, our wonderful caseworker in Utah who happened to be the caseworker for Jenna's adoption, too (that was pretty surprising).
Olivia's "You're official kiss!"
We want to express our extreme gratitude to Olivia's birthparents for choosing us to be Olivia's family. You have blessed our lives more than you will ever know. We love you both!