Monday, June 9, 2008

Jenna is practicing for that big day

With the preparations we are making to move to Indiana, I have already started packing things. In the process, we have been sorting through old stuff and trying to decide what to take, what to trash, and what to donate. Jenna was really excited when I was looking through my closet and she saw my petticoat from my wedding dress. Immediately she wanted me to wear it, so I modeled it for her (the petticoat, not the dress... I don't think I would still fit my dress). After I took it off, she insisted that she get a chance to try it on so we slipped it over her head and grabbed her dress-up wedding dress to help out with the fun.

Here's our future bride!

Of course, don't let those boys get any ideas about her yet, she has to be 26 before she can get married.

Okay, I will make an exception on the age, but only if the guy is extremely special, and I like him a lot!