Sunday, December 30, 2007
Christmas Fun!
Gingerbread House
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Arizona snow... for real!!
Saturday morning we attended a Santa's breakfast at the recreation center...
Christmas is here again
Karate Advancements
Once again we had karate testing a couple of weeks ago. This time we had the fun of having Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Logan, and cousin Matthew come to watch us do our stuff. Here are the highlight videos.
I am the lowest belt in the older group, so I get to go first at all of the tests. These two videos are of us doing our forms. The forms are choreographed movement that you have to memorize. There is a lot more to testing than the forms, but this is the only thing that we do by ourselves during testing.
And here we are with our new belts! (We had a hard time getting Robby to smile for this one. He was trying to have a Calvin and Hobbes moment where he makes a funny face right as Dad clicked the picture.)
What we did on our day off
This is from our day off around Veterans Day. Since we didn't want to sit around the house bored, we decided to take a day at the museum. The kids really enjoyed checking out the new exhibit called "Strange Matter." There were substances like this liquid iron mixture that when it was magnetized would be come more like a solid. Very interesting.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Backpacking into the Grand Canyon
This trip was a year in planning, and ended up being a great success. We all had a very memorable journey. I will share some of the highlights through these pictures (courtesy of my sister-in-law Andra who brought a camera to record our adventure).

Okay, this isn't the best picture since the sun was very bright, but here are the girls excited to start the adventure. (L to R - Summer, Andra, and Sharon)

Also, this picture was taken in front of the canteen at Phantom Ranch. I think what saved me was the fact that Andra was able to reserve dorm room beds for the three girls during both nights of our stay at the bottom of the canyon. I was so sore the next morning I could hardly walk, and I think it would have been worse if I had slept in a sleeping bag on the cold hard ground.

Monday, November 12, 2007
A trip to the railroad park
Ahhh, the life of a little girl.
The main attraction at this park is the scale model of a steam engine train that people can ride. In fact, it even has a cattle car, which is where Robby and Jenna insisted on riding. (I opted for a gondola seat - open topped box car.)
Here we are coming into the station.
"Bye, bye Horseys!"