Sunday, December 9, 2007
Christmas is here again
I wanted to share moment from one of our Christmas traditions with you. Each year on the Monday after Thanksgiving I set up the Christmas decorations and get out the Christmas tree. Then our Family Home Evening activity for that night is decorating the Christmas tree together. The kids really love this. It was especially fun setting up everything this year and seeing Jenna's eyes light up with each new surprise. Her favorite part was helping me set up the Christmas train that circles our tree.
Jenna enjoyed helping to hang the ornaments. (And now she loves to rearrange the ornaments on the tree over and over!)
Dad serves as the official "Hook Putter On-er." (Do like my title for him?!) Every year Dad takes this job while the kids and I place the ornaments on the tree. (You can tell he's concentrating on his job.)
I love Christmas time! It's my favorite time of year. The night we decorate the tree is one of my favorites. I get warm fuzzies being gathered with my family, listening to Christmas CDs, and decorating the tree together. What fun!