This is from our day off around Veterans Day. Since we didn't want to sit around the house bored, we decided to take a day at the museum. The kids really enjoyed checking out the new exhibit called "Strange Matter." There were substances like this liquid iron mixture that when it was magnetized would be come more like a solid. Very interesting.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
What we did on our day off
So I have some blogging to catch up on! Between the Grand Canyon trip, my parents visiting this past weekend, and Christmas shopping I haven't had the time to sit down and do this. So here it goes...
This is from our day off around Veterans Day. Since we didn't want to sit around the house bored, we decided to take a day at the museum. The kids really enjoyed checking out the new exhibit called "Strange Matter." There were substances like this liquid iron mixture that when it was magnetized would be come more like a solid. Very interesting.
I thought this was a cute pic. We were waiting to see the IMAX film, and Robby took Jenna over to show her this aquarium of sea creatures. What a sweet big brother!
Here we are in the IMAX theater before the movie started. I thought Jenna would really get a kick out of it, but some of the images were a little too "larger than life" for her. She got scared with all of the loud sounds and some of the visual effects. So much so, that she crawled into my lap and shut everything out and went to sleep! I couldn't see how she could have possibly slept with the sound!
Later she recovered and enjoyed checking out the xylophone made of different materials so you could hear the differences in sound.
And lastly, Robby loves this part of the museum. Here you can make sand barriers and see if you can direct a flow of water. I think he just likes the fact that it is almost like playing in mud!
This is from our day off around Veterans Day. Since we didn't want to sit around the house bored, we decided to take a day at the museum. The kids really enjoyed checking out the new exhibit called "Strange Matter." There were substances like this liquid iron mixture that when it was magnetized would be come more like a solid. Very interesting.