Sunday, December 30, 2007
Christmas Fun!
I love Christmas Day! I wish that it lasted more than one day! Here are some of our Christmas day highlights...
Here are our stocking. I know, there are 7 stocking and only 4 people in our family. We had to have two extra for Grandma and Grandpa and then we have a special stocking for Baby Jesus. One of our traditions is to write down a "gift" (or rather a goal) that you are going to give baby Jesus over the next year. Now you see why we have 7. But of course, I have always felt the more the merrier!
And here are our two Christmas sweeties! Chap got up at 6am and was kind enough not to wake us until 7am. (What a good boy!)
Every Christmas we make donuts from scratch. We usually cut them into triangles like beignets (New Orleans Donuts). This is always great fun! (If you want a bit of history... My grandmother used to make donuts from scratch on Christmas morning. When I was growing up the tradition was adjusted a little and my Dad would go and pick up donuts from the donut shop Christmas Eve to eat on Christmas morning. Well, when Robby and I got married he decided that if we were going to follow tradition we had to do it right and make them from scratch! And so we do.)
Here are some of the chocolate covered ones. Yum! Yum! In our house we have to eat breakfast before we open the gifts under the tree.
Robby has been extremely busy with school so he has had very little time to come up with a gift for me. I have really been wanting to go shopping for some new clothes, so he decided to give me money to spend. I was disappointed because I knew what I was getting for Christmas (I really like surprises), so Robby surprised me by folding my money into shirts and dresses. Very creative!