Thursday, August 21, 2008

Flashback July: Little Robby's Farewell Party

You know, when you miss a lot of posts it can be a very daunting task to catch up. I truly want to catch up all of my posts, but it is becoming increasingly more difficult since Olivia has reached the 2 nap stage and Jenna has reached the no nap stage (or rather the occasional nap that does not correspond with Olivia's nap), so I have a sitaution that I haven't had in a while which is there's always an awake little one needing attention. Okay, yes, it's a challenge, but of course I would never change it. So in the meantime, my blog suffers. Just know that for my lack of posts, I am doing good work.

Here's another one from July... but first we have to jump back to Novemeber, with Robby's birthday coming up we were going to let Chap have a party. Unfortunately for him I did not have my act together at the time (as you will recall we were preparing for our Grand Canyon Hike) and we missed planning his birthday party. Since his birthday is almost always Thanksgiving week, we have to plan for his party to happen before Thanksgiving because after Thanksgiving most people are very busy with Christmas activities. Well, as consolation for no birthday party, we promised Robby that we would let him have a going away party this summer before we left.

Now back to July, a couple weeks before the move we agreed to let Robby select a few close friends to take to Amazing Jake's (an indoor restaurant and play place with rides and games like you would find at Chuck E. Cheese's). Robby picked 4 of his closests friends (although one was unable to come that night) and we had a grand time...

While the boys played Jenna and Dad took a ride around the merry go-round.

Olivia observed most of the festivities from the comfort of her car seat.

Robby's friend Cole showed us how to climb the rock climb. (I had tried this one the last time we came to Amazing Jake's and couldn't even get half way up!)

Robby's friend Cole was tall enough to drive the go-karts. Unfortunately for Robby, he is going to have to wait a while longer before his short height genes will be tall enough for him to drive.

Another horsey ride, but this time for Olivia!

And here we have Zack
and Casjen

and Casjen and Zack being goofy

And here's my big kid playing one of his favorites... Pac Man (or rather, Ms. Pac Man).

And the highlight of the night was Chap getting a hole in one on the putt-putt course.

And here we have them all - Zack, Cole, Casjen, and Robby

We really miss you all!