Before we left Arizona the temperatures reached their usual extreme highs in the 105-115 range. With church getting out at 2pm, that meant that Jenna's carseat was unbelievably hot after cooking in the car for 3 hours in the sun. As the summer months continued, Jenna decided that she had had enough of being strapped into her child sized oven, er, car seat. Who can blame her?! Anyhow, for several weeks after church we fought to get her to cooperate and go into the seat. We would try to reason with her that the sooner she got strapped in, the sooner we got home where it was cool. Finally, one Sunday early in July she wouldn't budge and we resorted to threats. Robby told her that if she didn't get strapped in she would have to walk the 2/3rds mile home. That didn't sound so bad to Jenna, and she happily chose the latter. (Don't you love it when parental threats backfire?!) Well, I quickly informed Robby that he would get the honors of walking her home since it was his brillant idea and off they plodded. At first, I followed closely in the car because I thought for sure she would change her mind after the first few minutes walking down the sidewalk with the unrelenting sun beating down on her head. Oh no, not Jenna. She was just fine, thank you very much! Robby told me to go home and wait for them there and that they would be okay. Well, 10 or 15 minutes later they showed up at the door...

hot, sweaty, and in Jenna's case, very proud of her accomplishment. "That was fun!" she said. In fact, she was so proud of herself that she tried (unsuccessfully) to convince Daddy to do it again next week, and the next week, and the next week...
Jump to the present... she still complains that her car seat is hot when we get in the car here in Indiana. I have a hard time convincing her that it is just fine. I can even touch the metal without burning my fingers!