Not yet... he is still in Arizona and we are in Indiana now, but there will be when he gets home on the 13th! Yes folks, I am married to a doctor! HOORAY!!! Can you believe it?! I thought the day would never come! Robby finished his course work yesterday, and according to his transcript he is FINISHED!!! (How many exclamation points can I use to express my excitement??!!!!!!!!!!!)
Let's see, how long have I been waiting for this? We have been married for ten years and he has been in school the whole time! This completes 13 years of college for him (7 years for his bachelor and master degrees and 6 years for his doctorate). It was so weird for us to think that he is now a doctor. I am married to a doctor! (It's about time!)
I realize our blog has been neglected as of recent, but it has taken a bit longer to get settled as I am unpacking the house all by myself. We arrived in IN on July 31st and Robby flew back to AZ to defend his dissertation on Aug 1st. Setting up house with three little ones is a bit more challenging than I had anticipated, but little by little we are getting there. I will be so glad when Dr. Robby gets back on the 13th. Hopefully after he gets back next week I will be able to update you with pics and stories from the last several weeks of our life. For now, I go to find what's contained in the pile of boxes behind me.