Sunday, July 15, 2007

Summer Vacation 2007: Carlsbad Caverns

The first thing we did on our vacation (after getting rained out of our tent the night before - a night we will sure never forget!) was to go and see Carlsbad Caverns. Since we were behind on our planned schedule due to dealing with lack of sleep, we had to make some adjustments. When we arrived at the Caverns we discussed our options. One choice was for Little Robby and I to go on the additional tour to see the King's room (one of the most decorated rooms in the caverns) while Dad and Jenna went walked down the 1.5 mile entrance path. Little Robby nixed this idea though.

I think his lack of interest was mainly because of the extra money it would have cost to do the additional tour. To give him added responsibility on this trip we gave him charge over the family spending money. When we first told him that he was going to be in charge of the funds (for souvenirs and food on the trip) Little Robby promptly developed a budget and we found out that we each got a total of $17 of personal money to spend over the whole trip. He took his job very seriously, and on a couple of occasions Robby and I tried to bargain with him to allow us to spend the money in different ways. For the most part he didn't want to budge! I am glad though that he understands the idea of keeping to a budget. I digress though, back to the caverns...

Here you see the natural entrance to the caverns. The creatures you see flying are not bats, but swallows. Obviously, the bats don't come out until night.

We decided that since we were going to stay together the whole time that we would take the 1.5 mile walking path through the natural entrance into the caves. It descends a total of 750 ft over the entire distance, and Robby and I both got a good feel for what our Grand Canyon trip will probably bring in the Fall.

The only disadvantage we both had was that neither one of us could wear our tennis shoes because both pairs had gotten soaked the night before. I really wished I had mine because my sandals were not the best choice for steep downhill inclines.

Once we got to the bottom we wandered through the 1.25 miles of cave path to see all the amazing creations contained inside.

Little Robby really had fun because he and his science class had studied caves this last year in school, so he got to see all the things he had learned about.And finally a family picture together!