Monday, July 16, 2007

Summer Vacation 2007: Family Reunion

The first full day after we arrived at my parent's house we drove about an hour to my brother's house in the country for a family reunion. My aunt (my dad's sister), uncle, cousins, and their children came out too. I am so glad we got to share this time with everyone. Here are some highlights:

We got to meet our new nephew Hayden for the first time. Isn't he a cutie?! He is now 8 months, and he weighs a whopping 25lbs.! (Jenna, who's just over 2yrs, only weighs 23lbs.!)

My Aunt Marcel, Charlene, and my mom chat together on the porch.

One thing was for sure, we weren't totally used to the humidity in Texas, especially after living in dry Arizona for the last three years. You can't tell completely from this picture, but Jenna's hair had a little bit of a wave in it while we were in Texas.

Jenna was really fascinated with Uncle David and Aunt Charlene's horses. She was interested in helping feed them carrots all until the horse's giant lips reached out to grab it, at which point I had to take over because she tried to jump back. I guess the horse got a little too up close and personal for Jenna.

Little Robby really enjoyed playing in Uncle David's playroom!

So did Robby! He's having flashbacks to his childhood playing Donky Kong.

We really had a great time visiting David and Charlene!

One last cute pic, Jenna and Little Robby with their cousin Hayden!